Monday, June 20, 2011

A-Z Actor Portraits Challenge : O-Q

Just another few of the portraits I've been working on. I'm not all too happy with Olivia. The others looks sort of like who they should... I've started on an A-Z of character portraits too. These are much quicker to see if I can make it look like them, or at least the character, without too much time or detail involved. I'll get back to these in the next few days. Rachel Weisz caused some trouble with the referece photos I chose but I'll see how it works out.

I'd really like to do some life drawing portraits for a change from working from photos. Until I wrangle some willing participants I'll keep up with my googling.

O -- Olivia Wilde

(Black charcoal)

P -- Piper Perabo

(Polychromo colouring pencils)

Q -- Quentin Tarantino

(Polychromo colouring pencils - black & greys)

*click to enlarge

**sorry about spacing, html just wouldn't work with me!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Dr. Sketchy's Not-So-Live Life Drawing II

Here's some more drawings from Dr. Sketchy's, based on the photos taken at the sessions.

Dr. Sketchy's Not-So-Live Life Drawing I

This is some of the drawings I did based on photos taken at Dr. Sketchy's. They're from sessions or poses I missed during the day. They were done pretty much the same way as at Sketchy's; I set an alarm for 1 to 5 minutes. Most of these are between 1 and 3 minute drawings though.

Lisbeth Salander : Back In Black

I really love this technique. It can be a pain at times to find the light and not be able to outline everything or map it out properly..but it's worth it when you don't mess up too bad. Plus, it seemed like the perfect way to draw my favourite dark heroine, Lisbeth Salander, aka The Girl..., from the Millennium Trilogy. These are all done with polychromo pencils on black paper.

*click to enlarge

Thursday, June 9, 2011

A-Z Actor Portraits Challenge : H to N

After a few days away from this, what with my birthday and graduation and other things I actually can't remember right now...anyhow, I'm back to this with a vengeance! There's bits I'm not happy with, but overall they're not too shabby. And some do look like who they're supposed to, I think.

I have lots of other ideas for little 'challenges' for myself. Another possible A-Z along with some cast portraits from my favourite shows. But I have to finish O-Z first. I'm off to work on the next one now, Olivia Wilde!

H -- Humphrey Bogart

(chunky graphite pencil)

I -- Ingrid Bergman

(brown charcoal)

J -- Joseph Gordon-Levitt

(black and blue biro)

K -- Katharine Isabelle

(polychromo colouring pencils)

L -- Lauren Bacall

(black charcoal)

M -- Milla Jovovich

(polychromo colouring pencils)

N -- Noomi Rapace

(black biro)