Thursday, July 21, 2011

Nail Art & Make-Up : Winter Is Coming

Despite the fact I'm only on the second book in George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice & Fire series, I got a tad overexcited at the prospect of a midnight launch for the latest book, the fifth. I never read any of the Harry Potter books - or any other series like it - so I wasn't part of the craze of a new book being released. Even so, the midnight launch at The Loft Bookshop here in Dublin was tremendous fun. Plus I got to see some of Game of Thrones on a bigger screen than my laptop.

Anyhow, I hadn't done anything with my nails in months, except for some candystripes the week before, and I thought it'd be fun to try something a bit more ambitious. So, I decided to show my support of House Stark with the direwolf sigil and motto.

I hadn't really done any make-up lately either, so I thought I'd throw that in too! Any why not the whole outfit? I do like to take a theme and run with it...

I am planning to do this with more of the Houses from the series, just for kicks :D

First Comic - The Actual Thing

So, I set up a Flickr account for this comic and any others that are more testy and less printy (why, yes, I do write). It's a good way to display them in an almost page flicking way! So, here it is.

First Comic - Prep & Ramble

Yesterday, I finished inking my first comic. It's just a little one and it's terribly moody and light on text, but it's something!

I based it on a short story I'd written a few years ago. That story was part of a much bigger thing that I had a very clear idea of. I knew what all the characters looked like, and still do, and knew the story well after going over each section so much. Seemed as good an idea to start with as any. I hope it's easy to follow without much text. It's mostly the one character and I didn't want thoughts scattered throughout the panels so I went for the less is more approach..

And next time I'm going back to pens and markers. I've just been trying out ink and brush, that's how I did this, and it is good and has its merits but not as clean as I'd hoped. But cleaner than I'd expected. Luckily I had some good Letraset paper - which I got months ago for a really good price - so the heavier ink didn't wreck the page.

Anyhow, I've been offline for a few days now so I feel a ramble coming on. Before that happens I'll end this with some of the prep work and WIP pages. I was trying to find a good way to upload and present the comic, so I'll see how I do that.

*Click to enlarge