Sunday, May 22, 2011

Birdeatsbaby Prints

First off, Birdeatsbaby are just awesome. I won't get into any explanations here because I've got a fair few photos to post, so I'll direct you to a BEB review and interview I did on Pop Culture Monster, and there's linkies at the bottom.

Okay, so it all originated with this photo of the band-

- and from that came many, many prints. (I may have actually made more prints than I did for my whole Print module in college. In one day. Erm, oops?..) This little project seen me covered in paint and my bed lost beneath, well, this...

When possible, I tend to take lots of photos of projects while I'm working on them. Partly because it's interesting to see the process, partly in case something goes wrong after hours of work!!

I started off by sketching their faces for the block's template (you can click to enlarge photos).

Then I got to cutting and sticking!

Et viola!

The first ones I did were with the negative blocks since they were, for the most part, just one section so if it fell apart (like the ones I did in college) it was no biggie. I used some different coloured paper, envelopes and these pretty little cards I completely forgot I bought!

Then the more finicky blocks - which are still holding up!

Then all together!! Plus the third set of blocks I made to include some colour, just to be extra awkward. The registration's off but I still like them. I'll eventually get them to line up properly...ish.

I even printed onto a notebook and a waistcoat that's been on my 'customise or throw out' pile for months!

There will be many more prints to come. I have plans of doing some of Frank'N'Furter, Tank Girl and Noomi Rapace, to name a few.

Birdeatsbaby ~ website | facebook | twitter | youtube

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