Thursday, May 26, 2011

A-Z Actor Portraits Challenge : D to G

Today was a busy one for me and these portraits. I got D to G done while working my way through two X-Files discs. Luckily, I didn't get too lost or confused.

I done these in a few different media; pencils, graphite pencils and, just to be awkward first think in the morning, all colouring pencils. I haven't done too many drawings in just colouring pencils and no portraits, I think. I'm happy with the way it turned out though, so it was worth it. Also, I do love my polychromo pencils. Worth the ridiculous cost.

F and G caused much back and forth and mind changing. I had originally planned to draw Frances O'Connor for F, but couldn't find a good enough photo. So I went through some other possibilities; Fairuza Balk (who I will draw at another point) and Felicia Day (who I'm adding to another A-Z I have in mind).

Then I couldn't find an image I was happy with of Geena Davis for G. I swapped to Gene Wilder, got quite excited about that, then couldn't find a good picture. One I found that I liked was teeny but, again, I'll draw him at another stage. Others that made the list were Gregory Peck, Giovanni Ribisi & Gad Elmaleh (who are all far too distracting), Geoffrey Rush, Goldie Hawn and Grace Kelly (I'm sure I'll get around to some of these again though... *overload*). After all that, I found a photo of Geena. Hers didn't take me that long, done with graphite pencils... I may have been fed up with G already.

Okay, /rant.

D -- David Bowie

E -- Ewan McGregor

F -- Franka Potente

G -- Geena Davis

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